Take a glimpse at our first ever event, a Mindful Morning with MYA.
The morning started with an intimate pilates class led by teacher, Gabie. While candles flickered and sunlight beamed through the windows, our guests flowed through gentle, mindful movements on the mat. This slow, full body burn left everyone feeling connected and energised.

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.”
– Sakyong Mipham

Natasha, MYA founder, then moved us through an inner beauty meditation to help guests connect to the infinite beauty that is always within. After soothing words of affirmation immersed us into a feeling of complete mind and body calm, Natasha brought us back into the room with the rich, deep sounds and vibrations of a singing bowl.

After flowing into a state of openness, we embraced the rest of the morning with light bites and a little mingling. Banana bread bites, rice paper rolls, cups of tea and stimulating conversations nourished our guests as our Mindful Morning came to an end.

We’re so grateful for the opportunity to connect with our beautiful guests, who are now part of the MYA community.
Stay tuned for more mindful MYA events.

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A place to learn and be inspired as you navigate your wellbeing journey in mind, body, inner beauty and spirit.
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